
Holly Tyler

Hi there, I'm Holly—an American ex-Barista and Social Media Marketing Manager on a transformative journey to redefine my future. A year ago, I took a bold leap into a 16-week high-intensity Professional Software Development Boot Camp in Scotland, emerging as a graduate armed with newfound skills ready to conquer the professional realm! In just a few weeks at CodeClan, I realized I had made the unequivocally right choice. Learning the intricacies of software development became an exhilarating, satisfying, and rewarding experience. Completing three impactful projects not only showcased my capabilities but also fueled my excitement to embrace the challenges of a Software Development career. My enthusiasm stems from a desire to continually learn, grow, and channel my skills towards meaningful endeavors. The CodeClan experience instilled in me a sense of accomplishment and the confidence to exceed my perceived limits. I am excited to embark on a career where I can create positive change and elevate the lives of those I work with and develop for. Collaborating with teams has always energized me, and my best performance is realized when working together with others. At CodeClan, my daily goal was not only personal growth but also spreading positivity to peers and mentors. Now, as I transition to the professional realm, I am driven to contribute to a workplace where I can make a positive impact, fostering a vibrant environment for my colleagues and end-users alike. Joining the ranks of friends who, like me, took a leap of faith to reskill for a brighter future, I eagerly await the next chapter in this journey of personal and professional evolution.
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